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Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle needs your help in the 2016 Federal election to remind voters and politicians that tackling climate pollution is vital. To spread the word, please post a message on Facebook or Twitter - it's easy. 

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There are lots of messages to choose from. You can add your own comment on Facebook or edit the Twitter message include your local candidate's twitter handle. Leave our political representatives in no doubt, from now until the election. Bookmark this page ...

 I breathe

I'm voting for the climate in 2016 because I breathe! 



I'm voting for the climate in 2016


 children on road

I'm voting climate in 2016 for a safe future for our children and grandchildren

 save the reef

I'm voting for clean energy in 2016 to save the Great Barrier Reef


renewables are the future

I'm voting for clean energy in 2016 because it's time to reduce our CO2 emissions


rising sea levels

I'm voting for the climate in 2016 to save the Pacific Islands from rising seas


rising sea levels

I'm voting for clean energy in 2016 to limit sea level rising


solar energy

I'm voting for the climate in 2016 because solar energy is the way of the future


stop burning the planet

I'm voting for clean energy in 2016 because it's time to stop burning the planet